Accommodation in Paris

The master’s does not offer accommodation nor does it pay for it. You are responsible for the cost of accommodation. The applicants should make sure to arrange their accommodation prior to the beginning of the Master’s programme. Rent in Paris can go from 500€ to 900€ and higher, depending on what you look for. 

We recommend that you download this guide, which contains precious information and many websites for accommodation

If you are done with your administrative registration and have activated your ENT, try your luck with . You can also apply through Airbnb, LeBonCoin, etc…  We are not affiliated with any of them. 

Start looking as soon as possible. It can take a while.

Key words

There are twenty arrondissements (quarters) in Paris (see picture above).

Parisians will talk about rive gauche and rive droite: the Seine River (in blue) divides Paris into 2 parts. Rive gauche is located on the southern side of the Seine and rive droite in the north.

Guarantors (garants): to be able to rent, you usually have to prove that you earn three times the monthly rent, or that you have someone who can act as a guarantor for you. For students under thirty, you can use the state rental guarantor Visale. There is also GarantMe.

Other words linked to accommodation:

  • un bail (pronounced like “bye”) or contrat de location: a lease or a leasing contract / rental contract. Make sure to check how long the rental period is. If it is indefinite period, be sure to ask the landlord / landlady about the notice period.
  • louer: to rent
  • une caution: a deposit, usually of the same amount of a month’s rent, sometimes more. You will get this money back at the end of your rental period, unless you caused damages.
  • une chambre: a room
  • CC or charges comprises: the price indicated includes fees (gardener, heating…), but they usually do not include water, electricity or gas.
  • F1 / T1 : one main room, with a separate kitchen and a separate bathroom. The higher the number (F2, F3…), the more rooms you have.
  • Studio: one main room kitchen included, and a separate bathroom.
  • meublé: furnished non meublé : unfurnished
  • colocation: flatshare / houseshare
State financial help for accommodation

You may be eligible for APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement) or ALS (Allocation de Logement Social). Once you have found your accommodation, you will be able to apply. See with the CIUP for help with this. If you speak French, see directly with the CAF

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