After an initial training in general medicine, Pr Tran realised a PhD thesis in Clinical Epidemiology followed by a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Côte d’Ivoire (PACCI-CERMIPA center). For several years now he has worked as a post-doctoral fellow in the Methods Team (INSERM-CRESS). In 2023 he obtained the title of Professor.
Pr Tran focuses his research on chronic condictions, the burden of treatment and Minimally Disruptive Medicine, and methods in qualitative research.
He is the co-creator of ComPaRe (Communauté de Patients pour la Recherche): using testimonies of patients suffering from chronic illnesses, their medical results and reports, the ComPaRe team aims to improve the life of those patients, the medical care, by using the information mentioned before to advance the research on chronic conditions and create new studies.
Courses in the CER Master
“Methods in randomised controlled trials II” (UE1 part 2).